Sitemap - 2022 -
Resurgimiento y Eclipse del Proletariado
State police opened fire on Ayotzinapa students this past Monday
«The Worker’s Council from the Commune to Autonomy» with Jasper Bernes and Red May
Members of the Triqui Independent Struggle (MULTI) evicted from the Zocalo
Letter from Ricardo Flores Magón to Emma Goldman
I do not fear the State's repression, I fear the silence of my people
From Ayotzinapa: 8 years of struggle for the truth
The law, made by the rich, favors the rich.
Aguas Blancas: Our time, however, is one determined by the fall of the empire
The Democrats' approach to U.S. politics
The Mexican State continues its counterinsurgency against Zapatista territories
César Vallejo on the Death of the Word
I wasn’t thinking of revolution
«The system inhabits our bodies, manifesting itself in our actions and words»
Essay About a Headless Proletariat (1962)
A letter from Amnesty International
Flores Magón, Lenin and Revueltas walk into a bar
Zapata's Letter on the Russian Revolution
La Economía Política de las Tácticas
Punto final: El sistema financiero y el cierre del sector mercantil
they rise, redeem & resist | a weekly roundup
«When was the last time we spoke? Without an extra pair of ears?»
Aquí y en Salaverna, el caudal hace autoridad
The Sociology of Exploitation, a prologue
Motivos Revolucionarios, por Jasper Bernes (Parte II)
Video of the Solidarity Caravan for Nuevo San Gregorio (January 8 and 9, 2022)