Sitemap - 2022 -

Away in less than a Manger

Resurgimiento y Eclipse del Proletariado

State police opened fire on Ayotzinapa students this past Monday

«The Worker’s Council from the Commune to Autonomy» with Jasper Bernes and Red May

Shucks for NAFTA

Members of the Triqui Independent Struggle (MULTI) evicted from the Zocalo

Red Blood, Green Energy

Letter from Ricardo Flores Magón to Emma Goldman

El cuchillo en tu garganta

I do not fear the State's repression, I fear the silence of my people

From Ayotzinapa: 8 years of struggle for the truth

The law, made by the rich, favors the rich.

Capital and the Coyote


Aguas Blancas: Our time, however, is one determined by the fall of the empire

The Democrats' approach to U.S. politics

Magonista is but a mere word

El Azúcar - Parte I

The Mexican State continues its counterinsurgency against Zapatista territories

Cartas desde Ucrania I

César Vallejo on the Death of the Word

I wasn’t thinking of revolution

«The system inhabits our bodies, manifesting itself in our actions and words»

A Century of Normal School

Estática y Señal

«Listen, anarchist!» Part II

Tánatos Triunfante

Essay About a Headless Proletariat (1962)

A letter from Amnesty International

Flores Magón, Lenin and Revueltas walk into a bar

«Zapata y la Revolución Rusa»

Zapata's Letter on the Russian Revolution

Anarchism as a Nationality

Caravan on high alert

La Economía Política de las Tácticas

Don’t be so critical

Punto final: El sistema financiero y el cierre del sector mercantil

9-year-old girl is wounded during gunfire attacks in Aldama, Chiapas: Paramilitary War on Zapatista and Indigenous Communities Escalates

they rise, redeem & resist | a weekly roundup

«When was the last time we spoke? Without an extra pair of ears?»

Marx on Mexico II

Wake up, people of Mexico and the world! We, Zapatistas — we, who say your pain is our pain, say: join us! If they touch one of us, they touch all of us!

The State of grief

«Against ALL CAPITALIST WARS» a message from the Sixth Zapatista Commission, from the mountains of the Mexican Southeast

THERE WILL BE NO LANDSCAPE AFTER THE BATTLE (Words by the EZLN on the invasion of the Russian army into Ukraine)

A cure for your Weber fever


Aquí y en Salaverna, el caudal hace autoridad

Mine Over Mother

The Sociology of Exploitation, a prologue

Blue Gold

The Axolotl

We strongly condemn the repressive escalation, which comes from the bowels of capital's regime, which calls itself 4T, against the struggle for life – words from the EZLN

T ́neki tlalle uan atl para tenochti, amo timikiske por tumi: We want land and water for all – not corpses to feed capital.

Pablo González Casanova

Pablo González Casanova

We will not be the wall

No seamos el muro

Arte o Artista


Marx on Mexico

These capitalists want to turn us into slaves of the industry. In our own communal lands, seeing how our health deteriorates and their profits increase.

Motivos Revolucionarios, por Jasper Bernes (Parte II)

A message from the Zapatista Indigenous Agrarian Movement and affiliated entities in solidarity with the Zapotec community of San Juan Lajarcia

Video of the Solidarity Caravan for Nuevo San Gregorio (January 8 and 9, 2022)

El comunismo no es un modo de producción

A propósito del INPI, la historia del indigenismo: de virus colonial, a política positivista, a proceso legislativo de proletarización

What is happening in Chiapas? | "They want to do away with our collectivity. They want individualism, to parcel the land for their own interests, to commodify it. For profit – not out of necessity."