We strongly condemn the repressive escalation, which comes from the bowels of capital's regime, which calls itself 4T, against the struggle for life – words from the EZLN
New communiqué from the Zapatista Army of National Liberation and the National Indigenous Congress-Indigenous Council of Government, February 2022.
Original statement, in Mexican-Castilian here.
To the people of Mexico,
To the People of the World,
To the National and International Sexta,
To the media,
We denounce that on February 15 at around 1:20 am, the repressive bodies of the Bad Government integrated by elements of the National Guard, the state police of Puebla and municipal police of Juan C. Bonilla, invaded and dismantled the spaces of resistance in the Casa de los Pueblos Altepelmecalli: an autonomous cultural and political space that until March 22, 2021 was the physical plant of the Bonafont company, a transnational that has been stealing and overexploiting the aquifers of the Cholulteca region for years.
We strongly condemn the repressive escalation, which comes from the bowels of capital's regime, which calls itself 4T, against the resistance and the struggle for life of our sisters and brothers of Pueblos Unidos de la Región Cholulteca y de los Volcanes, who, in defense of collective life, turned this hotbed of death into a space for meeting and sharing, in the midst of the determination to impose in Morelos, Puebla and Tlaxcala the Morelos Integral Project, which crosses a gas pipeline through the territory of the peoples of the volcano, from where hope germinates made of rebellion and old and new forms of organization.
We declare ourselves to be on high alert in the face of the possible persecution of the brothers and sisters of the Casa de los Pueblos Altepelmecalli, holding the federal government responsible for using its armed group called the National Guard to intensify the war of money against life. We hold it responsible for protecting the business of the Bonafont company, which dispossesses, hoards, privatizes and profits in an unscrupulous way with the water of our peoples, where we suffer the emergence of sinkholes and the drying up of wells, springs, rivers and streams; such is the case of the Metlapanapa River, which the Peoples' Front of the Cholulteca Region and the Volcanoes has defended against exploitation and contamination for the benefit of industrial corridors.
We denounce the repressive offensive of the bad Mexican government against our compañeros and compañeras who, from their geographies, raise the banner of organization from below to call us to fight for life, WE CONDEMN:
The assassination of comrade Francisco Vázquez, president of the ASURCO oversight council, who raised his voice against the theft of water from the ejidos of the Ayala region for the operation of the Huexca Thermoelectric Plant in Huexca, Morelos.
The criminalization of the Otomí people and of comrade Diego García by the head of that obscure institution of the bad government called INPI, which has served as a replicator of indigenismo1 and for client control in our towns; an institution that one day had its offices in what is today the Casa de los Pueblos Samir Flores Soberanes.
The persecution against the Supreme Indigenous Council of Michoacán, in view of its recent mobilizations against contempt, racism and dispossession and for the removal of the outrageous monument known as Los Constructores in Morelia, Michoacán.
The indifference and criminal complicity of the National Guard in the face of the violence in Guerrero, while the drug cartels attack the communities of the Indigenous and Popular Council of Guerrero-Emiliano Zapata who oppose the extractive megaprojects and denounce the complicity of the governments with the narco-paramilitary groups, murdering and disappearing our brothers and sisters.
The militarization of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to impose the mega-project of the Salina Cruz-Coatzacoalcos Interoceanic Corridor, as well as the illegal occupation of the lands of our communities for said project, as is the case with the Binnizá community of Puente Madera, belonging to the communal property of San Blas Atempa, Oaxaca.
The use of the National Guard and the armed groups of the states and municipalities to repress the normalista students of Ayotzinapa, Tiripetío and Mactumatzá, in their demand for justice and conditions for their normal2 schools.
We hold the federal government of Mexico responsible for this repressive escalation against our peoples, and demand that the actions of the National Guard and police forces against those who oppose the exploitation-destruction of nature, and the dispossession of the territories and communal heritage of the originary peoples to impose the projects of death promoted by the Mexican State cease.
We call on the indigenous peoples, nations and tribes of Mexico, as well as allied organizations and collectives, to be alert to this wave of repression announced by the capitalist government of this country through the agreement published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on November 22, 2021, which declares the projects and works of the federal government of public interest and national security as a pretext to use its armed forces against those peoples who oppose the dispossession and unprecedented destruction of Mexican territory.
We call on the people, groups, collectives, organizations and movements in the territories of SLUMIL K'AJXEMK'OP (also known as "Europe") to mobilize and speak out against the transnational Bonafont-Danone –based in France– and the representations of the current Mexican federal government in Europe.
For Life!
Solidarity and support for the originary peoples of the National Indigenous Congress!
February 16, 2022
For the integral reconstitution of our peoples.
Never again a Mexico without us
National Indigenous Congress-Indigenous Council of Government
Sixth Commission.
For more information on the subject, here: The INPI and the History of Indigenismo: from colonial virus, to positivist policy to proletarianization measure.
As described by our comrades from SchoolsForChiapas, the term normal stands for: “Literally, student teachers, normalistas are rural and often indigenous students of limited resources attending rural educational centers to become professional teachers. The Normal schools are boarding schools born out of the Mexican Revolution to broaden education into the countryside. They have carried the revolutionary spirit throughout their history and are frequently threatened by cuts to resources.”