Sitemap - 2021 -
What's happening in Chiapas? A three minute summary.
Mirrors and Mirages in Slumil K'Ajxemk’op
teoría crítica de abajo & a la izquierda | Análisis de cuatro ensayos por Yásnaya Aguilar
teoría crítica de abajo & a la izquierda | la necesaria obra de Yásnaya Aguilar en nuestros tiempos
ORCAO paramilitaries set fire to 3 classrooms inside a Zapatista Autonomous Middle School | #AJMAQ
300. Primera parte. Subcomandante Moisés & SupGaleano (EZLN)
The indigenous roots of Magonismo: Ricardo Flores Magón and the Mazatec Cosmovision
Ricardo Flores Magón: la cosmovisión Mazateca en el pensamiento magonista.
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.
Ricardo Flores Magón: October 6th, 1917
New developments in the investigation surrounding the assassination of Samir Flores
The referendum: the past that is present.
Reading Marx and changing the country: the role of women in the 1968 movement
treehouse: reading inside the ahuehuete | Bertolt Brecht's "From A German War Primer" (1937)
La Extemporánea: from the liberation of the plantations to the Defiant Europe
An Extemporaneous Chronicle, part II
An Extemporaneous Chronicle: Part One
Chiapas on the Brink of Civil War
Freeing Space: Reflections on a Map
Bienvenidas a Slumil K'Ajkemk'o
Motivos Revolucionarios, por Jasper Bernes (Parte I)
"The Zapatistas invite us to challenge the orthodoxy of the revolutionary left."
The Scream and the Choir: Consonance and Dissonance.
against borders, and the violence they enact, we exclaim: ¡Pase libre, Zapatistas!
Mientras tanto en Aldama, Chiapas les están disparando a las casas que tienen las luces encendidas.
In Aldama, they shoot at houses where they see the lights on.
“The Treason of the Artist: Alyosha Karamazov and the Rejection of the Hermit’s Exodus from Omelas”