Sitemap - 2021 -

The INPI and the History of Indigenismo: from colonial virus, to positivist policy to proletarianization measure

¿Qué está pasando en Chiapas?

What's happening in Chiapas? A three minute summary.

critical theory from below & to the left | 4 essays by Yásnaya Aguilar examined by Antijuras and Carlos Arroyo

May No God Remember Your Name

Mirrors and Mirages in Slumil K'Ajxemk’op

teoría crítica de abajo & a la izquierda | Análisis de cuatro ensayos por Yásnaya Aguilar

Validation as Capture

teoría crítica de abajo & a la izquierda | la necesaria obra de Yásnaya Aguilar en nuestros tiempos

ORCAO paramilitaries set fire to 3 classrooms inside a Zapatista Autonomous Middle School | #AJMAQ

300. Primera parte. Subcomandante Moisés & SupGaleano (EZLN)

The indigenous roots of Magonismo: Ricardo Flores Magón and the Mazatec Cosmovision

Ricardo Flores Magón: la cosmovisión Mazateca en el pensamiento magonista.


Cabeza Contra Concreto

The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.

Ricardo Flores Magón: October 6th, 1917

New developments in the investigation surrounding the assassination of Samir Flores

The referendum: the past that is present.

Reading Marx and changing the country: the role of women in the 1968 movement

treehouse: reading inside the ahuehuete | Bertolt Brecht's "From A German War Primer" (1937)

There is a woman...

La Extemporánea: from the liberation of the plantations to the Defiant Europe

What does a country that sows bodies reap? Ayotzinapa, 7 years later. | ¿Qué cosecha un país que siembra cuerpos? Ayotzinapa, 7 años después.

48+ cities across Slumil K'ajxemk'op, formerly known as Europe, take to the streets in solidarity with Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee - General Command of the EZLN's communiqué.

Open Call! | ¡Convocatoria!

An Extemporaneous Chronicle, part II

An Extemporaneous Chronicle: Part One

Chiapas on the Brink of Civil War

Freeing Space: Reflections on a Map

Bienvenidas a Slumil K'Ajkemk'o

Motivos Revolucionarios, por Jasper Bernes (Parte I)

We Weren't Conquered!

¡No Nos Conquistaron!


"The Zapatistas invite us to challenge the orthodoxy of the revolutionary left."

The Scream and the Choir: Consonance and Dissonance.

against borders, and the violence they enact, we exclaim: ¡Pase libre, Zapatistas!

Building Windows

Everything for Everyone

Sobre sueños...

Mientras tanto en Aldama, Chiapas les están disparando a las casas que tienen las luces encendidas.

In Aldama, they shoot at houses where they see the lights on.

“The Treason of the Artist: Alyosha Karamazov and the Rejection of the Hermit’s Exodus from Omelas”

Everything or nothing. All of us or none.