What's happening in Chiapas? A three minute summary.
The people there will continue their resistance, they will not give up.
What's happening in Chiapas?
The EZLN pointed to the actions of ORCAO, characterized as a paramilitary style organization bearing uniforms, gear, weapons and a fleet acquired with money that they receive from government-sponsored programs.
They keep some funds internally, and give the rest to officials in order to comply with social assistance records.
With those weapons, they fire every night against the Zapatista community of Moisés y Gandhi.
– Gilberto López y Rivas
Brutal attacks continued against our brothers and sisters in Zapatista communities in Mexico.
The most recent was on Monday, November 29th when invaders attacked the well and fields of the Nuevo San Gregorio community.
Breaking in with a tractor, picks, and hoes, they dug a 50-meter long trench to drain water from the well and tore up the communal pastures. Crops were destroyed and without water to irrigate, and two dozen livestock were left fainting of dehydration.
The assailants did not need to conceal their identities as they know full well that the Municipal, State, and National governments will not lift a finger to stop them or hold them responsible.
22 members of the "Los 40" group, led by Nicolas Perez Perez and Pedro Hernandez Gomez (of the San Gregorio Las Casas ejido), Javier Gomez Perez (from Rancheria Duraznal) knew that they could act with impunity.
This assault is only the most recent manifestation of the quotidian cases of invasion, destruction, dispossession, and violence against Zapatista communities.
Less than two weeks ago, in the "Moises y Gandhi" community, armed paramilitary members of the ORCAO from San Antonio Las Flores destroyed and burned the local high school.
We demand an immediate end to this organized War of Attrition to dispossess, destroy, and threaten the lives and livelihood of Zapatista communities throughout the region.
The people there will continue their resistance, they will not give up. What we can do is to show solidarity: shine a light onto these attacks.