"The Zapatistas invite us to challenge the orthodoxy of the revolutionary left."
John Holloway shares his reflections on the significance of the Zapatista visit to Europe, and their arrival to this territory recently renamed "Insubordinate Land."
[English subtitles available. Press “CC” to activate them. Subtitles available* in French here.]
John Holloway in an interview with M. Benjamin for taller ahuehuete:
"The Zapatistas invite us to challenge the orthodoxy of the revolutionary left."
In this discussion we reflect on the significance of the Zapatista visit to Europe, and the importance of their arrival to this territory renamed "Insubordinate Land.”
With Raúl Zibechi, Beatriz Aurora, John Holloway and Pamela Palenciano.
A reconsideration of politics... this hasn't happened [since the pandemic began] amongst politicians. Some laws and adjustments have been made here and there, yes. Yet, within the context of capital reigning – it is only through the refusal to accept the dominion of capital over our lives that we can truly and finally speak of a proper "reset". Of a reconsideration of politics, a reconsideration of what the survival of humanity could mean.
And this is what I find worth examining in regards to the Zapatistas because they allow us into a reset: a reconsideration of the orthodox methodologies traditionally implemented in politics. That goes beyond state politics and the habitual approach to leftist revolutionary thought. They are presenting a surreal alternative, a surreal way of thinking which I find essential if we are to find an exit from this catastrophic present.
That, to me, is the core of this trip. And why I find it indispensable [as Daliri Oropeza previously stated]. This is why this journey has to happen, this is why they should be allowed into French territory. And all other regions in Europe.
[TALLER AHUEHUETE]: Thank you, John. Thanks. I wanted to ask you something. To me, well, if considering the hermeneutics of "A Declaration for Life" (EnlaceZapatista, 2021), when it was just publicly released, it was distinctly peculiar how, in one single paragraph, the concept of "identity" was condensed. Abridged by the section: "We are differentiated and separated by..."
Generally, it is implied that these distinctions are what define us. However, in the case of A Declaration for Life (2021), it was fascinating how identity, labels, and categorizations attributed to principles of identification were summarized in such high detail, only to move away from them. To move past them. It was an invitation [in the familiar rhetorical style of the communiqués]. An invitation to seek unity and solidarity not by denying our differences, but by fully acknowledging – listing, even tabulating them. What does the declaration mean, to you?
[JOHN]: To me, it seems truly extraordinary these sixth parts, and the documents that are continuously being released, such as the "¿A Qué Vamos?" communiqué, and this recent document by SCI Moisés. To me, it reads as a newly refreshed Zapatista energy. They've always found ways to surprise us, but recently, they've been speaking with new energy, a reintroduced and very refreshing creativity.
And such originality is subtle, but undeniable defiance to the orthodox revolutionary tradition. And yes, to me, this inquiry regarding identity, it's a central topic. It would be entering into another territory, but to me, Zapatismo has always been a non-identity movement, a notion that challenges the conventional leftist tradition.
But, as Danaé expressed, the whole: "We're not coming to Europe to ask for your repentance. It's not about that! We will not ask for your apology! What we do, instead, is rename Europe as "Insurgent Land” or “Land that does not give up, that does not yield.” [I have yet to learn how to pronounce Slumil K'ajxemk'op.] That is what I find to be challenging the expectations of the European left. I find that wonderful. So, this creativity, this originality... are truly extraordinary.
[TALLER AHUEHUETE]: It's a refreshing approach to politics, one that finds a way to reinvent itself in everyday practice.
*Thank you, Antijuras and Coline, for your hard work translating into French as we were live. And Capanegra for the technical expertise and production. Mil gracias, de verdad.
Music: Till Paradiso, "Kreuzfahrtschiff in der Lounge".
Subtitles, visuals and translations by M. Benjamin.
In collaboration with YRetiembleMadrid and ahuehuete.org