The South Resists
Despite AMLO's intent to mythologize the extractivist project referred to as «Tren Maya» [sic], by sharing a photograph of a 'supernatural' creature, the originary residents remain in resistance.
Despite López Obrador's intent to mythologize the extractivist project referred to as «El Tren Maya» [sic] on his Twitter account, by sharing a photograph of a 'supernatural' creature he designated as an alux, — in the region alluded to be shared with the spectral aluxo'ob allegedly captured by State cameras, to AMLO’s pride — the originary residents affected by the ecocide remain alive, corporeal, and resisting the agents of capital and the State.
The Mexica peoples often referred to the «alux» (plural: aluxo'ob) as «Chanekeh» or «Chaneque», a form of sprite or apparition associated with Maya peoples from the Yucatán Peninsula, Belize, Guatemala and neighboring communities.
The aluxo'ob are frequently described as small in stature, only knee-high. Occasionally «alux» and «duende» are used interchangeably. The Castilian word «duende» refers to a supernatural being or entity, most frequently a mischievous energy.
While the Mexican State attempts to enlist fabled figures into its ranks of supporters, the Zapatista-affiliated organization, the CNI, released its third appeal announcing the launch of «The South Resists, 2023 Caravan». The convoy will traverse the regions impacted by the Tren Maya-Interoceanic Corridor megaprojects in the south and southeast of Mexico from April 25 to May 5. The invitation was issued by the peoples of the National Indigenous Congress this month.
The caravan will seek to articulate «communities, neighborhoods, barrios, peoples; as well as indigenous, peasant, feminist, workers, popular and civic organizations in struggle and resistance to the many different forms of dispossession» by the State and global capital, the communiqué expressed.
In view of the upcoming departure of the convoy, those interested are encouraged to register through the email, before April 15th.